Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Visited Me!

I lost my very first tooth and the Tooth Fairy visited me for the first time! 
I created this on my mom's iPhone using PicFrame, with a little help.
I wrote the Tooth Fairy a note to see if I could keep my first tooth and still get my money. When I woke up in the morning, I found one dollar and she left my tooth! I also got a little small note from the Tooth Fairy.

I'm going to make a scrapbook page to keep forever.

Do you have any ideas about how to make my scrapbook page look cute?
Has the Tooth Fairy ever visited you? If so, did you see what she looks like?


  1. G'day Em,

    Thanks for registering early for the September 2012 blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week starting 9th September, when the first challenge will be published. If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the blog. Also make sure you visit blogs from other students around the world with similar interests.

    If you have any great ideas for activities in the challenge, please leave a comment at this link. Many of the challenges will relate specifically to certain subject areas.

    Miss W or tasteach - challenge organizer

    PS What other things are you going to put into your scrapbook?

    1. Dear Miss W,

      I am going to work on my scrapbook, but I'm waiting for special tooth fairy paper for my scrapbook. I will take pictures of it to show when I'm done. I have a good idea, I can put it in my portfolio maybe or my scrapbook.


  2. I've seen the tooth fairy. She's very nice and will always watch over you. I told my class to nominate you for last years edublogs competition(we did). Loosing your first tooth is very exciting!

    1. Hi Brianna,

      Thanks for nominating me. That was nice of you.

      Thanks for answering my question about the tooth fairy. What does she look like?


  3. That is so cute I still remember when i lost my first tooth

  4. Hello Em!
    I'm 8 and I have already lost 5 teeth! Tooth Fairy visited me each time but I never saw her. If the tooth was painful (difficult to lose) she gave me more money. I like your idea to write a note to the fairy. I'll try it next time, too!
    In which place did you leave your tooth and note for the fairy? (I usually leave me tooth on the windowsill.)

    Kristina from Ukraine
    Visit my blog!

    1. Dear Kristina,

      I put the tooth and the note under my pillow. When I woke up, they were still there, and so was the note back from the Tooth Fairy, and a dollar of money.

      It was so exciting!

      Thank you for visiting my blog.


  5. Hi Em!
    I lost all of my teeth already, but I used to write notes to the tooth fairy too. One time, I asked her if she wanted to be my pen pal, and she said yes! It's very exciting to lose a tooth.


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Come back later to see what I write back to you! Thanks!