Monday, November 28, 2011


For Student Challenge #10, I get to pick my favorite blogs! Here are my nominations in my ShowMe video:

Miss W for Lifetime Achievement
Ethan for best Student Blog
Mrs. Yollis for best post on Comments and best class blog

Do you like my favorites?


  1. Em,
    Thank you very much for the nomination in the lifetime achievement category.

    PS Do you know where Davo went to? He wasn't in my suitcase when I got home and unpacked?

    I wonder if he is trying to get to your place before Christmas.

  2. Dear Miss W,

    I voted for you today too. I want to vote for you every day, but we are taking turns voting because mom says it'll only count one time from our whole house.

    I was really sad that Davo was missing, but am really happy that he his found.



Directions for placing comments:

1) Choose "Comment As" first. If you don't have a Google/Blogger account, you can choose Name/URL and type in your name, then place the web site that best describes you in the URL. Or, you can choose "Anonymous".

2) You may need to press "Post Comment" more than one time. (It is always smart to copy your comment before pressing "Post Comment" just in case something happens).

3) Type in the word verification (the squiggly word).

4) If you did everything correctly, it will state, "Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval." If you do not get that message, you may want to try again. Remember, it takes time for my mom or dad to publish it on the blog.

Come back later to see what I write back to you! Thanks!