Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour of Code

Did you know that it is Code Week? I am doing more than an hour of code because it's just fun and it's creative and it's educational. It's learning. I like it!

First you start with Angry Birds, and when you get to level 13 or 14 it changes to Plants v Zombies. Then when you complete it you go to level two. Each level has 20 rounds of Blockly puzzles.

Tip: Sometimes I got frustrated because it was my first time because I said turn right, but it turned left. I didn't understand that my right was different from the Angry Bird's right. But what I did was get my stuffed animal and my mommy asked, which one is my right eye, then she asked which one is my animal's right eye, so then I could see it had to turn left (which was my right).

To brush my teeth, I made my mommy talk to me in code so I got there. It's really true! It was fun!

 What are you doing for Hour of Code?

If you are doing Hour of Code, do you like it?

Have you played with Blockly and Hour of Code yet? 

Do you think it is learning and fun?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Talking Dog Post

Hello bloggers,

Hi. My name is Em. It is nice to meet you.

Will you write to my blog? And will you look at my blog please. You can come any day. I love blogging because it is fun. I like visiting other blogs and typing to other people. I like looking at other peoples blogs in different countries and places that I can't walk to. And I put questions on my post so you can write back to me and answer those questions so I know a little bit about you more.

Thank you for visiting my blog, and please press play on my Voki.

Do have a blog?

Do you have fun on blogs?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Paper Doll Creation

These are my girl dolls. One is French, two of them are sisters (the yellow skin ones), and the one who has a lady bug dress is named Lizzy. The French one can also speak English. It's true. And the lady bug one can talk English and Spanish, it's true, really true. And the yellow skin ones just talk English. Their friends are the other two. They go all around the (paper) globe.

Click on my AudioBoo to hear me share.

I like that I made them just out of paper and tape and pencil. I love making them because it uses my creative time at home. My story is made up too, and that's part of the fun.
Have you made paper dolls? Why? How?

Do you like to create things?